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Steadfast Faith Through Trials

When you have been slammed by the storms of life, it can feel like the end of things.

Don't you think?

You've been there, right? Where you just feel like the bottom of your world fell out and you don't know what to do or where to turn.

Your heart has been cut open. Is this really happening? Everything you knew about life is about to change.

What do you do with your fragile heart in that moment? How do you heal that ache, that hurt, that splintering?

You cling to the Rock of Ages. With all your might.

I know that sounds too simple. But trust me when I say that it's more difficult than it seems, and it's the only true and lasting peace you will find. God can seal up the cracks in your broken hear in ways that no one else could even begin to touch.

In this free 5-day audio course, I'm going to teach you the strategy I've used over and over to reconnect with God and find peace during really devastating storms in life.

Even more than that, we'll walk through how to actually get stronger during these times. I don't want you to give up. There is hope on the other side of this, and you can use this time to really grow and change and become a stronger version of the person God created you to be.

Because here's the secret about hardships...

God uses them to refine us.

As your world flips over, He is whispering to you...

"Are you ready for an adventure?"

Find Out More In the Course

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